UMD Sends Letter to Greek Caucus about H. Res. 356

The United Macedonian Diaspora reacted swiftly to the unjust, insulting, and inaccurate house resolution that was introduced by the co-chairs of the Helenic Caucus Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney (D-NY) and Congressman Gus Bilirakis (R-FL). Please read our action alert to see how you can provide additional support to our efforts.

If anything, this resolution is hypocritical because the said Interim Agreement was forced upon the Republic of Macedonia in 1995 as a condition to end the Greek Embargo. This temporarry agreement achieved several Greek aims including: (1) a tentative reference term for the Republic of Macedonia at the UN and within certain international bodies, (2) changes to the historic national symbols of the Republic of Macedonia with new ones, and (3) constitutional changes that were unwarranted.

Even after all this humiliation, Macedonia has revealed itself as more than willing to compromise in this ridiculous situation by proposing several resolutions to the “name dispute.”  Notwithstanding the Republic of Macedonia’s efforts and the concessions it has already made, Athens continues to incredulously refer to Macedonian “intransigence” on the purported “name issue.” 

You can read the full letter by clicking GREECE DENIES ETHNIC IDENTITY OF MACEDONIANS – The real reason behind the “name dispute”




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